Thursday, January 31, 2008

New LDAF Liberty Dollar + Brown Memorabilia Up for Auction
This is the THIRD piece we're selling. The first ONE DOLLAR certificate sold for $61, and the second for $150. This is the first of only 2 TWENTY DOLLAR certificates being sold.
You are bidding on the third piece of the Liberty Dollar Arrest Fund (LDAF) Private Collection to go on eBay. The collection consists of the 82 remaining Liberty Dollar pieces owned by Shaun and Svetlana Kranish – the last known arrestees of the Liberty Dollar. Shaun and Svetlana were arrested in May of this year, in Walworth, WI, for offering a solid silver Liberty medallion at an outdoor ice cream shop. According to Bernard von NotHaus, this was only the fourth time in the nearly 10-year history of the Liberty Dollar that a user/owner was arrested. Shaun and Lana are also friends of Ed & Elaine of the family Brown, the well-known and well-respected members of the tax honesty movement who recently went to federal prison for refusing to pay income taxes. Shaun is the close friend of Ed & Elaine who the feds tragically used without his knowledge to introduce to Ed & Elaine the infiltrator who lead to their kidnapping. This auction includes memorabilia from their home, and is part of an ongoing fundraiser for their legal defense. Read more.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

YouTube - NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution, Part 2A

Sponsor: - Video-illustrated version of my civil disobedience story. I was jailed earlier this year for handing respectful leaflets to IRS workers, then refusing to pay the Federal "distribution of handbills" fine...a penalty which violates Amendments One and Ten. But I was not alone even then!

Now, Ron Paul has advocated civil disobedience...and he has millions of dedicated supporters. I wonder if some of them will step forward with civil disobedience of their own?YouTube - NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution, Part 2A

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - Feds: Snipes Declared Himself Alien, Warned Against Past Tax Prosecution - Feds: Snipes Declared Himself Alien, Warned Against Past Tax Prosecution - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment: "Actor Wesley Snipes, in a letter sent to the Internal Revenue Service after his indictment in 2006, declared himself 'a nonresident alien' of the United States and claimed the Internal Revenue Service seeks to 'terrorize, enslave, rape or pillage' taxpayers, according to a report in the Ocala Star-Banner.

The 'Blade' star sent the letter on Dec. 4, 2006, following his indictment earlier that year on tax fraud charges. He also delivered a stern warning that continued prosecution would result in 'significant personal liability' for federal employees who pursued him, according to the report.

'Warning - pursuit of such a high profile target will open the door for your increased collateral risk,' Snipes wrote in the letter, which was read into the court record Thursday at Snipes' trial. 'I certainly don't believe this is in your best interest.'

He also refuted his Social Security number in documents that were included in a sealed indictment that was opened last October.

Snipes' lawyer, Robert Barnes, denied the comments were intend as a threat.

'Not at all, not at all,' Barnes was quoted in the Star-Banner. 'A lot of it was very gentle.'"


Tax man's final swipe at Snipes | The Daily Telegraph

Jury to Start Deliberations in Wesley Snipes Tax Case - New York Times

SFGate: Daily Dish : Snipes' Lawyers Don't Call a Single Witness

Friday, January 25, 2008

News From The Muskegon Daily Paul

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World

Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.

Read more here.

CFR Council Of Foreign Relations How They CONTROL THE MEDIA

Today's letters to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press (Michican)includes one entitled Unfair to Paul that was sent in by Robert Brocato of Grandville. To better understand why the media gets away with this, pleas view the information that follows.
Read more here.


Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain

1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIAs

Producer: Bill Dumas

John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead" the search for America POW/MIAs

Read more.


Ron Paul MSNBC - Reporter References America Freedom To Fascism!

Hat Tip to Garko over at The GarkoBlog who wrote:

Makes me believe in miracles!
There ya go, Aaron!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yet another alternate currency arises in New Hampshire

Breaking News: Surprise bail hearing 1/25 for Brown supporters

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


bob wollfe has plead guilty on all counts to his charges. he faces full sentencing with no recommended reductions. his sentencing is 5-5-08. anyone wishing to see the full plea deal can contact me through send me your email and i will forward it to you. at 23 pages it is to long to post here.



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Voting Charade

Charade: A readily perceived pretense; a travesty; a parody: a composition that imitates something.

"Certain questions answer themselves by being asked." - Leon Trotsky


"Is the truth sometimes ignored or even rejected because the recipient cannot imagine agreeing with the messenger?" - Myth of the Innocent Civilian

Monday, January 21, 2008

Uncle TOM Gets It Wrong Again

In a political primary contest, it's the number of delegates that determines the winner; that often corresponds to the popular vote, but not always. Our Uncle, the Tired Old Media, declared Hillary Clinton the winner in Nevada in the Democratic race. Here is the number of delegates won by each of the top two candidates in that race: Obama---13; Clinton---12. Hello, TOM, Hillary lost.

On top of that, did you notice the amount of coverage given to the second place winner in the Republican race in Nevada? Was there any coverage? The marginalizing of Ron Paul continues. In every other race thus far, the second place (and often the third place) winner either has been interviewed or, at least, discussed by the pundits. There hardly was any mention of even Paul's name.

The Corporate Media are busy molding public opinion, convincing people that at this early stage in the Presidential race certain candidates simply are not viable. Keep in mind that some time ago TOM essentially had written off John McCain as being out of the running. Now the Media are busy promoting certain candidates, while at the same time declaring that the Dem and Repub races are "wide open".

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Joe Banister Talks With Bob Schulz

Joe Banister on his radio show talks with his guest, Bob Schulz.

Listen here. (Saturday, January 19, 2008)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Picture Worth A 1000 Words

Wesley Snipes Trial Blog

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Granny Warriors: "Freeze Over!"

Freeze Over

Posted January 16th, 2008 by Granny Warrior over on

A nice lady from Pay Pal just called and let us know the freeze on our account has been lifted. Thank goodness as we were about to become homeless on the side of the

She looked at the account and all the information we have sent in and decided we are legit. Heck I have been telling them that for 48 hours.

The money for the recount was borrowed and is now paid and the recount is on. We only have to repay the loan which is easy now with the money free.

We are still a little behind as we have had other fees to pay such as the $2000 filing fee, $2,500 for Mr Howard to find a place to live for a while and the plane fare.

The chip in is working again and if we can make the goal of $25,000 we will pretty much have it covered.
Please chip in now and let us get all of this paid for and off our minds.

Again thank you all so much for caring and worrying about us, it makes us feel so special and more determined to get r dun.

Click here to read more and chip in to help finish off the funding for this nobel effort!

Linda Granny

Editor's Note: Please keep "chipping in" until we at least get to the $25K amount Linda et. al have asked for. Thanks in advance!


Another Reason to NOT Use PayPal

*PayPal to begin giving the IRS PayPal users account information*

Notice of IRS Summons

Dear *My Name*,

PayPal has received a summons from the United States Internal Revenue Service requiring us to produce various account records, including data related to your PayPal account. PayPal understands the summons relates to the IRS' offshore compliance program in which the IRS has sought information about offshore credit card accounts from a number of companies. Your privacy is extremely important to PayPal. PayPal is obligated, however, to turn over the requested data. PayPal has been ordered by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to provide the information to the IRS, and PayPal expects to begin providing this information to the IRS on January 10, 2008. The summons and court order both issue from the United States District Court in an action entitled: In The Matters of the Tax Liabilities of John Does, Case No. CV-05-04176-JW.

If you have any concerns about the disclosure of this information, you should consult with your tax or legal advisor. You may have rights in connection with the summons, including the right to seek to prevent the IRS from obtaining some or all of the information. The statute of limitations that limits the time in which the IRS may assert tax liabilities against you may be suspended beginning on the date which is six months after the IRS served the summons upon PayPal and continuing until PayPal finally resolves its response to the IRS. See 26 U.S.C. § 7609(e)(2). PayPal cannot provide you with legal advice. If you have questions concerning the summons and court order, we encourage you to contact the IRS, your tax advisor and/or your attorney. If you wish to contact the Internal Revenue Service regarding this matter, they can be reached at (215) 516-4777.

Thank You,
The PayPal Legal Team


Why Many Are Dropping PayPal


Shaun @ Start The Revolution writes:
I do not know where to begin with all of this so I will just lay out the
basic facts as they are being reported to me:

1. The state of New Hampshire ballot appeared to have been tampered with.
2. The people of America (and about half of the world too!) pulled
together to sign a petition and have their voice heard, across the
aisle, in an effort that has seen both Democrats and Republicans
call for a recount of the ballots for the state of New Hampshire.
3. The Secretary of State placed a January 15th @ 3:00 PM EST
deadline for the $55,600 to be handed over to cover the cost of
the recount.
4. The money was raised by, again, people from all walks of life who
simply wanted to see that every vote was counted.
5. At the very last moment, PayPal froze the Granny Warriors account
and refused to release the funds whilst they "investigated" a
"suspicious" $1000 donation.
6. The money could not be handed over and thus, at this point in
time, it appears that the recount will NOT take place.

So, the following is what we are meant to believe:

1. PayPal have clearly not been paying ANY attention to what has been
happening during this campaign and thus have no idea how quickly
and in what amounts the Ron Paul Revolution is able to raise funds.
2. PayPal were clearly unaware that Ron Paul supporters were in the
majority of those donating to this effort and would likely break
the target REGARDLESS of what last minute donations were required.
3. PayPal were so unlucky during the four days that this appeal ran
that they managed to:
1. Crash the original ChipIn at least 3 times making it
impossible during this time to donate any money at all.
2. Destroy the original ChipIn altogether after around $40,000
had been donated requiring the Granny Warriors to start a
new ChipIn for the remaining monies.
3. Crash the new ChipIn for about 2 hours on and off on the
final fundraising date.
4. Stop the recount by denying that all and any funds received
are now frozen (note: NOT just the $1000 which, by this
point, was no longer needed as we were over the top by then)
pending an investigation into where a perfectly decent sized
donation came from.
4. The Secretary of State is unable to stretch the deadline or accept
that said funds exist regardless of the amount of documented
evidence placed on his desk.
5. This entirely calamitous and accidental chain of events was, at no
point whatsoever, manipulated by anybody to ensure that this
recount never took place.

I am sorry but I do not believe for one second that 1 through 4 could
possibly have happened without 5 being false. I never will either.

This is democracy being stolen, right in front of our eyes and we are
watching it, some in disbelief, some in denial, all in bond. America
has been stolen and the vote with it. I do not know what comes next.
What new horrors? What new wars? What new laws? I fear for the future
of America.


Granny Warriors Comment On NH Recount

Frozen out by Paypal

On January 16th, 2008 Granny Warrior says:

We had sent the money to the former attorney General in NH who was standing in the bank waiting for confirmation of the payment being on the way which it was. The money was removed from our account and by our thinking it was a done deal. a hour later we got a call that our chipin was not working. we checked and found the paypal account was locked. We have spent 5 hours providing all manner of verification to them about the account which is over 10 yrs old with never a flag on it. We had to stop at a centura bank in Alabama and get them to fax our statement to the paypal people proving I owned that account.? then they wanted more. then they said the social security number was associated with another account? That being mine, the same account as we had been advised to change my name on the account from my former name to my married name. We did and that sent every thing into a tizzy again. After hours and minutes on the phone all on over time ( cell phone) we managed to get confirmation that once the faxes had been received the account would be opened again.
The faxes were sent and there was something missing? we had to find another bank and get the entire copy of the last statement and send that in with the address etc on it. what a mess and nothing you told those people made a impression. Seems like someone had sent in a donation sortly after we notified everyone that the money had been raised and also tagged the donation with a suspicious transaction tag. below is the donation. I have a strong feeling we have been had.

Read more.



P.O. BOX 420

that is ed browns new address at the fairton new jersey facility. anyone who may have sent him anything to okahoma, ie: addresses photos numbers etc it will need to be resent as that stuff takes several weeks to catch up to him.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

NH Recount Status Update

Click here.
Click here.

Republic Media Radio News Exclusive!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

New Hampshire Primary vote recount.... why the rush for the big bucks?

* Why did the NH Secretary of State's office issue a letter yesterday, January 14th, stating that the entire fee for the recount (tens of thousands of dollars) must be submitted by 3pm today, January 15th?

* Why did PayPal lock the account of the grass roots activists who tried to wire the money to meet this new unexpected deadline?

Click here to read more and listen.


NH Vote Fraud Recount in need of Funds!!

According to Daily Paul the recount needs to raise $55,600 worth of funds by 3pm Today (1/15/08)! Otherwise no recount will be held. The grannywarriors are trying to help raise the funds to help protect us from Diebold supported voter fraud.

Read the comment by Albert Howard over on this thread at

read more | digg story


Princeton University Reveals How the GOP Steals Election

Monday, January 14, 2008

Letters From Ed and Elaine

December 27, 2007 AD

Dear [We The People]:

It’s always good to hear from you. I miss doing our daily show, and wish I could hear the calls that come in.

Ed is still in the Oklahoma Transfer Center, still in isolation, only allowed one 15 minute phone call a week, can only mail out one letter a week. He says he will be transferred in January to New Jersey. [Attorney A] and [Attorney B] say they have tried to phone Ed and have not been able to speak with him. [Attorney B] is a [description of his experience]. He [Attorney B] and his wife have been following our case and agree with us. He is interested in helping. That is the word I get from [Friend A], but I would not speak of him on the air without his ok.

[Friend A] has been so wonderful to us. We have met him only once, yet he works tirelessly for us. He is a true friend and patriot.

[Friend B] sent me a copy of the HB – quite impressive document. Who is Bob Graham? I he someone I should know of?

I have written to many about Ed’s inhumane treatment – 2 letters to Ron Paul. Also one to Katline Kenny, general counsel to the B.O.P.. Told her is anything at all happens to Ed, now or any time in the future that could possibly be caused by his treatment, that she and the director will be held personally responsible.

We both continue to get lots of mail, and much of it from first-time writers. It amazes me how many people are waking up; and I know we hear from only a few of them. Perhaps we have all made a difference,[Friend C]. I don’t know if the country can be salvaged, but if not, it won’t be from lack of trying.

Compared to Ed’s situation, I really can’t complain about my conditions. But it seems at times that the prison system and the staff are designed/trained to make life as difficult as possible. It is very frustrating trying to get anything done from in here, as we have to rely on those outside to do things, and it all takes so much time.

But I continue to pray to Yahweh for the strength and wisdom to do His will, and to protect Ed. A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my bunk reading, not thinking of anything in particular, when a voice in my head suddenly said “Ed is going to be alright.” It was such a shock to “hear” this, and a sense of peace has been with me since.

Yahweh will help us all – with so many praying, how can we lose? I look forward to the day we can all be together in freedom and light.

My love to all,


Editor's Note: This letter was postmarked Jan 02 and was received just last week. A letter from Ed postmarked Jan 03 will be posted soon.

If you would like us to post/publish your letter to/from Elaine/Ed just drop us a line at freeedandelaine at gmail dot com


Lisa Wogan, Illinois Communications Coordinator for Ron Paul on Freedom Rings

Freedom Rings Libertarian Radio with Kenneth John.


Scheduled Guests

January 14, 2008: Lisa Wogan, Illinois Communications Coordinator for the Ron Paul Campaign for President of the United States.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ron Paul Limo Ride


RON PAUL LIMO: The world's LONGEST limo!!

The Ron Paul Limo was just an idea a few short days ago. Joby had the idea, it is real now. Wow. These Ron Paul guys really make things HAPPEN!!



Saturday, January 12, 2008

David Rockefeller On Ron Paul

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Lodi Case: Overly Zealous, Unprofessional FBI

I urge people to watch at least Parts 5, 6, & 7 of this revealing piece (each segment is less than 10 minutes long). Actual interrogation tapes of the suspects are shown, demonstrating the desperation of the FBI to make a case after having paid an informant about $250,000 dollars.

These are examples of how NOT to conduct an interrogation. I say that because I personally knew Professor Fred Inbau, the man most responsible for developing techniques for modern criminal interrogations...and because the ex-FBI consultant in the piece confirms my belief.

This is pretty scary---it demonstrates with painful clarity what can happen when the Fed Govt thinks you're guilty, and you don't exercise your right to an attorney before questioning. As the ex-FBI consultant stated, "It's shameful.".

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The Truth About Senate Bill 1959

The Trial Begins January 28th Show your Support for the Freedom Four!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Is Much of Modern Finance Based on Swindle and Deception?

"Cash Machine": Sherry Fraser and Two Ton Boa (video)

Supporters of Paul & Obama Unite For A Recount In NH

Ron Paul had two precincts, Sutton and Greenville, that BOTH claimed to receive ZERO votes for him in the recent New Hampshire primary.

In the same ballot Rudy Giuliani received many more votes than would be expected for a candidate with no momentum from previous primaries and very low poll numbers in a state where he did not see fit to even campaign.

Barack Obama received significantly less votes than was predicted in the vast majority of polls whilst Hillary Clinton received significantly more votes than were predicted.

This coupled with the statistical analyses demonstrating that BOTH candidates potentially lost HUGE numbers of votes when comparing hand counts to machine counts (91% of the vote in New Hampshire was machine counted) should, in the interests of ensuring that a true representation of the will of the people is reflected in the results, be enough to drive any Paul or Obama supporter to sign this petition, regardless of party or candidate affiliation.

Given that both men are running for the office of President of the United States, an office that exists solely of the people, for the people and by the people, one assumes that they will both accept this request and represent the will of the people to demand this recount should enough signatures be accumulated.


We, the undersigned, call on Congressman Ron Paul and Junior Senator Barack Obama, in the interests of fair play and truth at the ballot boxes, to request a hand recount of ALL votes cast in the 2008 New Hampshire Primary.

Click here to sign the petition NOW!!


Proof of Vote Fraud

Support The Freedom Four With Your Attendance!

Danny Riley in the above video is just one story, 1/4th of the heroic Freedom-Four patriots!

Who: Danny Riley, Cirino Gonzalez, Jason Gerhardt, Bob Wolfe

What: Historical Trial of the Freedom-Four Patriots.

When: Monday January 28th.

Where: Federal Court House in Concord, New Hampshire

Why: To show your support, bear witness, and ensure a fair trial.

If you are reading this now and have the ways and means in order to attend this monumental fight against tyranny, you are officially charged with the responsibility to attend this historical event. These men stood face to face with the lawless thugs who terrorize this country, the very least you can do is show your support and stand with them on January 28th 2008, let this day and the days that follow that determine the fate of these brave souls be a victorious and triumphant moment where the will of the people will prevail! In the spirit of people like Aaron Russo, and Dr. Ron Paul we shall stand up in unity against all odds, and proclaim what we know to be righteous and true.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

VOTER FRAUD confirmed by voter in Sutton NH

Major allegations of vote fraud in New Hampshire are circulating after Hillary Clinton reversed a mammoth pre-polling deficit to defeat Barack Obama with the aid of Diebold electronic voting machines, while confirmed votes for Ron Paul in the Sutton district were not even counted.

read more | digg story

Be sure to visit for more updates on these and other related stories.


Ron Paul On CNN During New Hampshire Primary



Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Pictures Of ELaine's Prison In CT

Editor's Note: this is NOT Elaine's picture with Ed in prison - I just wanted visitors to have a good image to remember them by as you read Keith's message - see below.
Keith Champagne wrote:

i went to see elaine yesterday for the first time since her incarceration. i live about 2 1/2 hours from the danbury fci. i am happy to report that elaine is doing good! she has met a few friends inside and they are all working together to try to secure their releases. as women get out they are continuing to help the rest still inside.

she has also become very popular in her tier because of all the books we her supporters have been sending her. even books she doesnt read. she shares them with fellow inmates and those few books have earned her quite a bit of respect inside! she tells us she has to keep track of who
borrows what by writing it down. she has become the lending library of her tier so to speak. besides the loss of freedom she tells me that its not too bad inside, she did note that it seemed everyone was "lesbian" she said they called it "gay for the stay" and woman ask her in shock "you dont have a girlfriend?" it is the only time i have ever seen elaine flustered! she said when she fist got there there were a couple of guards that made comments
like "i bet you wish you paid your taxes now huh" but once she got inside it was the inmates who recognized her as the lady on t.v.! she is lonely... she wants letters she tells us they are like gold to her. she loves hearing from people and more and more people are
writing now.
she said she is responding to all letters she recives, she also told me she received the package i sent her of the 60 or so fair trial protest photos, she said i have no idea how much they meant to her! to know that people out here still care! and to the penn. ron paul meetup guys and gals that helped with that,
thank you so much! she singled out your photo as really impressing her! "bearing arms for freedom" so to speak! photos with guns arent supposed to get through but all of yours did maybe because of the quantity of them and a lazy prison employee i dont know but thanks again. and to everyone else, please help us if you can by sending us your photos we need them for the start of the freedom four trial on 1/28. we need to represent as many people as possible at
their trial. the first ever photo protest!

elaine wants everyone to know she is doing ok and she appreciates all the support and letters she has been getting. she feels she has done her part and now it is up to us to continue. she knows that if her and ed hadnt done what they did there would be thousands less people that were awakened to the tyranny in our government.

on a side note if there are any browns supporters/ patriots in connecticut willing to visit with elaine please let me know and we will help you get on her list. she really would like to have visits from people to stay sane. someone to talk to about everyday things....regular friends. if anyone is willing to provide elaine with a shoulder please get in touch with us. thanks!

keith champagne


Ron Paul Brickfilm - Lego

Saturday, January 05, 2008

McCain: "Make it 100!"

On January 3, 2008 McCain told a crowd in t a Derrytown New Hampshire - a state where 66% of the population is opposed to the war in Iraq - that it's "fine with me" if we're in Iraq for 100 years.

Click here for more.


Friday, January 04, 2008

Lawyer who beat IRS sues agents

Attorney Tom Cryer seeks damages for alleged 'smear and fear' campaign.

"I think now people are beginning to realize that this has got to be the largest fraud, backed up by intimidation and extortion and by the sheer force of taking peoples' property and hard-earned money without any lawful authorization whatsoever," Cryer said after his acquittal.

read more | digg story


Roy Miller's Endorsement of Ron Paul

Ron Paul vs Mike Huckabee

Ron Paul - Rigged US Elections

Situation Room story on Ron Paul FOX Exclusion 01/04/2008

Situation Room story on Ron Paul FOX Exclusion 01/04/2008


Americans are taking a stand against the machine because we're not going to take it anymore.

read more | digg story


Liberty Tax 2008 - A Ron Paul Revolution

Video: Is Fox News Trying To Ruin The Ron Paul Revolution?

Fox's Greta - "Not like he's an insignificant player"

Jane Aitken reports over at

Greta defends Ron Paul, and Shep admits that we cannot be ignored!


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Rays of Sun From "The Baltimore Sun" Shining Over "The Atlantic"

Baiting the Ron Paul trolls on the income tax

Atlantic magazine blogger Megan McArdle (a libertarian, by the way, whose former nom de blog was Jane Galt!) notes that the U.S. federal income tax is, in fact, legal.

I wish . . .

That Ron Paul supporters would stop informing me, in ALL CAPS, that various current policies are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, when in fact those very things were WRITTEN INTO THE CONSTITUTION via the AMENDMENT PROCESS. The FOUNDING FATHERS deliberately gave future legislators the ability to AMEND the constitution, because they wisely assumed that in the FUTURE there might be circumstances they were unable to FORESEE in 1787. Whatever you may think of the income tax, it is not only constitutional, but actually in the constitution, via this very clear amendment:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.The complaints that I don't know what I'm talking about would be more convincing if the people making them gave evidence of having actually read the document that they claim validates their most dearly held beliefs.

Read more.

Editor's Note: The Baltimore Sun has been reporting on the Ron Paul Revolution in surprisingly balanced ways. Be sure to read the hundreds of comments both Jay Hancock's (Baltimore Sun) and Megan McArdle's (The Atlantic) article.
