Brown appeals

Claims judge should be on trial in tax evasion case
Aaron Aldridge
Contributing Writer
PLAINFIELD - Ed Brown and his wife, Elaine Brown, have appealed their conviction on tax evasion charges but the court refused to accept their appeal citing it as being premature.
On Tuesday, Judge Steven McAuliffe wrote that a final order of judgment has yet to be entered and a direct appeal was premature. He ordered the clerk to refund the filing fee to the Browns and stated an appeal may be filed within 10 days of the entry of judgment.
Read more here.
Aaron Aldridge can be reached at (800) 545-0347, ext. 139, or by e-mail at
Alright! Another story that makes the entire tax protestor movement look like a bunch of kooks. Go Ed Go!
Welcome to scamerica where a once mighty and rightous nation has been usurped by those charged with protecting its virtues. "Those who do not learn from the Past are doomed to repeat it". These words come to mind as I see the citizens of Scamerica repeating the actions of the colonists. Seeking redress against the outragous taxation and debt that they and their posterity have been burdened with. If the past is any indicator we can only surmise that our redress will only fall upon the deaf ears of our new King. Our King was created by our Congress who abdicated their authority via the War Powers Act. Power once obtained is never returned willingly. The congress of these states is now relearning this maxim of life, and unless the War Powers Act is repealled and they TAKE back their power we will always have a King instead of a President. Perhaps when and if the Congress takes back it's power They could use that power to end our involvement with the private bankers who have a stranglehold on this nation. But if the past is any indicator much like the colonists of the 1700s there is but one course that will once again set the citizenry free and return liberty to its rightful place. This is the course that Ed Brown Has chosen. I will leave you with a quote from Edmund Burke (1729ā1797), Irish philosopher, statesman. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Impeach the Judge!
A most interesting video
You are a laughing stock in our town and throughout New England. Give up while you still have some dignity.
You are a the greatest patriot in our town and throughout New England. Thank you for what you are doing.
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