Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blog Reader Wants To Go To New Hampshire To Support Ed Brown

Kenneth H. said...

I am in agreement with Ed & he is a hero. And I too am very far away from N. Hampshire. So I am sking those who wish to help me get there to donate. Please if you cannot go allow me to go for you.

Read more in reader comments here.

Kenneth, if you let everybody know more about your situation perhaps some readers would help you get to Ed Brown's place in New Hampshire. For example, are you a student who only needs a bus ticket and room and board? Are you elderly retired with a mobile home that you just need gasoline for? How much would it take to get you to Ed's place? What do you need the money for? How do you intend to spend it? I might even pitch in a few bucks myself. We need more good people like you in this world. - dk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenneth, I sent an email asking how you where coming along on your request for funds to go to NH.

There are scammers all over the place. They show up at every situation, Indonesian stunami, huricaine Katrina and on and on.

I have not seen anywhere, where you have received a donation eccept 1 snding a check for $50.
Since i am a merchant, and tried for the longest time to NOT accept credit cards by offering great discounts for use of Postal money orders... For the most Folks don't want to be bothered with inconvienance of snail mail and MO's.
SO I know, if there are donations coming to help you get to Ed's place, they are via the PayPal link.
So, couple thousand $$'s come to your account so far?


2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For persons wanting more background information on this issue an of illegal income tax on your labor, see Aaron Russo's film, "Freedom to Fascism" at the following link:

12:08 AM  

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