Friday, January 19, 2007

Photo of Ed Brown Taken Yesterday

AP Photo: Ed Brown talks to reporters as he stands barricaded in the doorway of his home, on photo for story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen this situation before.What will happen is this:

1. Outrage and frustration will be ignored by the powers-that-be.
2. The guards of liberty will remain at the gates for several weeks, perhaps months, and nothing will happen.
3. Once the publicity has died down and the guards have to go back to work the gov't will come and take the property and people there by force.

Bottom line... the gov't is not going to give Ed Brown and friends the satisfaction. They'll just wait. How long can you wait?

9:37 AM  
Blogger Christian Class Action said...

Ed, did you read my proposal on ending the standoff at

Gene Chapman

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This situation has struck a serious chord in my gut. You know that feeling you get when you are presented a choice between what is easy and what is right?

I personally want to be standing by Ed's side, ready to give my life for what I believe, in the hope that the future will be brighter for the rest. I am on the other side of the country. That is an excuse, and it rips me apart saying it.

What tears me apart more than that is what anonymous posted in the first post. Once the furor dies down the gov't fascists will storm the place by force and kill or capture everyone inside. Ed and his wife won't see justice. I believe that has the most chance of becoming reality.

What SHOULD happen is for every able bodied true American to take up arms against a corrupt system, and stand up just as any of our founding fathers would have expected. Not with the intent to bring harm upon ANYONE, but to do whatever it takes to defend oneself against the oppressor. Not one single man woman or child needs to be put in harms way. Ed doesn't want to harm ANYONE, nor do I. I also won't stand for the government to seize Ed's property, and will support any and all actions to repel such forces from Ed's home.

Many people believe Ed is crazy. That he is going about this the wrong way. I disagree. The wrong way is to roll over and continue to take this imperialist thievery.

Ed Brown needs to become the catalyst in every American's heart that drives them to ACTION. No more writing, no more petitions, no more talky. Action. The trial against Ed Brown has offered nothing but utter contempt to Ed's RIGHTS AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN.

In the famous words of our Chief Executive Officer "Bring 'em on.".

Ed, if your reading this, I want you to know that I personally vow not to simply forget you like a passing headline in this week's news. You are a patriot. I look up to you, and stand by your decisions. It's time to take this country back from the propagators of this new world order.

This isn't a game anymore. People like Mr. Gene Chapman and those who have traveled or are traveling to Mr. Brown's residence are among the few brave folks ready to stand up to the fascist machine.

American's need to wake up and support these people, these patriots. If Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were alive today they would be drinking tea with Mr. Brown at his home with musket in tow. This is your country America!

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in agreement with Ed & he is a hero. And I too am very far away from N. Hampshire. So I am sking those who wish to help me get there to donate. Please if you cannot go allow me to go for you.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sheriff Prozo,
The Sheriff's office is the highest and only constitutionaly legitimate law enforcement office in the state. The Federal government has no authority over this office, nor over you.
I am contacting you sir with my concern for the Safety of 2 fellow americans, the Brown Family in Plainfiels which are bringing National attention in the corrupt federal trial they are going through. Sir, do you have the Balls to do your constitutional duty?
The Browns deserve due process, something not found in any of todays courts and you know it! You see it! The ends do not justify the means. It is your job, your duty to make sure you enforce the rule of law and not precedent.
Although the Sheriffs office is what I have stated, it saddens me to believe that it has become nothing more than a warrant server's and jailer's job. I implore you and your staff sir, to act in accordance with the New Hampshire constitution and the State motto," Live free or die". The people of this nation no longer live free. It is your duty sir, to make sure no one, including the feds, trample on this couple's God given rights as secured by the Constitutions of both the State and the Nation. They are not Statutory "US citizens" and are not subject to the Jurisdiction of the corporate United States. They are being railroaded like so many others by the criminals who are running this fascist federal regime and Americans such as I are really getting fed up. Although I understand that you sir are on the inside, I beg of you to take a good look at the State Constitution which you have sworn an oath to uphold. Codes and Statutes are not LAW and do not circumvent rights which are secured by State Constitutions. There is a growing number of Sheriffs who have taken a stand against the Federal governments increasing powers and intimidation and are starting to put them in their place. I urge you to take a stand and not allow this couple to be trampled over by an unjust, unfair and unlawful trial by a judge who cares nothing about your State's constitution nor the rule of law. Sheriff, we need to wake up on what is going on around us in this fascist Police State of america. The means do not justify the ends and the mainstream media ignores what is happeneing. Please do not tell me that you believe the official Story on September 11th or that you agree that nearly 7 million americans deserve to be imprisoned or somehow incarcerated supporting and feeding the criminal justice machine. You have to know as well as I that the system is corrupt and that judges serve not as referees, but have personal stakes and profits in siding with government agencies since they are on the same side. In many cases court costs go into their retirement funds. It is out of control and people, who are told over and over again that they are free, are getting fed up. I dont know about your county, but there are townships near me which have adopted ordinances which allow the imprisonment of peopel for having "junk" cars on their own property. Can you imagine a Waco style standoff over that? Sir I implore you to assist the Browns from the tyrrany being perpetrated against them by these evildoers the federal government. This nation has been taken over from within and more and more people are seeing it. Hopefully, God will guide your concience into doing what is the right and honorable thing to do. Also I and other supporters will be coming up there shortly as well.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am willing to share expenses and a ride to get to Eds from the South west michigan area. I have a car that will probably make it there and back to this area, just need to split expenses.
email me at

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for reading my comment and giving advice. To help anybody interested understand my situation I will give a little more info.

As it is now I have most of the funds but need around $200-$300 dollars more. This would allow me to purchase a ticket and some other items. I can set up a tent and provide my own food and ammo. My basic needs is a ticket.

I have setup a webpage here, CLICK HERE to donate. Feel free to e-mail me Click to Email

As I said if you cannot go let me go for you. Thank you.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenneth, I'm sending you $50, keep us posted on how much more you need and how soon you can get up here. I'm in NH. I'll mail a check today.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot anonymous ! I am going to be updating my webpage to keep others informed.

Click here to donate or get updated.

If you feel that I could provide more information please tell me what I can do.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kenneth,

Should I make the check out to Kenneth H. or Kenneth Hensley?

I will send it first thing on Monday. Coudln't get to the mail today.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: I couldn't e-mail you using that link, maybe you could post your e-mail on your webpage.

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. This situation has me reeling. The income tax was never meant to be. It is wholly unconstitutional. I wrote a research article in undergraduate studies that centered around the income tax. When the income tax expired a few years after the close of the civil war, a senator that wanted to codify an income tax stated "that we should not call it an income tax. We will just call it something else."

That, to me, is reprehensible. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it is tough to go against the conventional wisdom, which says, "Hey sheep, just pay your taxes and we will let you live to pay them again." Don't let them run roughshod over you, Ed. I hope it all turns out well. Perhaps enough folks will join you and a groundswell of support will start to make a change in this nation. I for one am tired of paying tax on my income. Can you imagine if the even 25% of taxpayers decided they would not send in those estimates anymore? The government would have to cave in and stop stealing our money.

11:10 PM  

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