Sunday, September 30, 2007

Paul's call: end the IRS

Paul's call: end the IRS

New Hampshire Union Leader Staff
8 hours, 24 minutes ago

Manchester ā€“ Calls to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and repeal the Constitutional amendment that established the federal income tax drew loud applause yesterday for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

The Texas Congressman drew an eclectic mix of more than 500 supporters -- young and old, Libertarians and anti-war Democrats, independents and conservative Republicans -- who cheered his message of limited government, low taxes, free markets, bringing the troops home from Iraq, and returning to a monetary policy based on the gold standard.

Paul said the gathering at Veterans Park wasn't about him, but about his message -- which, he said, has been resonating with more and more people.

"Something very significant is happening in this country today. The paradigm is shifting away from government controlling our lives by force," he said. "People are sick and tired of what's happening and want to control (their) own lives." Click here for more.



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