Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Camera Ban In New York City

True Patriot said: "New York city is planning on making it illegal to film or photograph within the city limits by passing another Orwellian law!"

Please call (212)489-6710 to tell them that we will NOT allow them to pass such a law!!! Here's the link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_yKmbhg7vtk

Here's an example of the power and artistry of video:

Please visit Picture NY for more information and be sure to sign their online petition at this link.

Hattip to TruePatriot for sharing this!

PS. Scott over at Individual Sovereignty shared this:

One thing people can do whenever this type of 1984-style action pops up---

Ask for the State Statute upon which the local ordinance must be based.

Counties and cities can pass ONLY administrative laws---ordinances or regulations---which MUST be based upon a corresponding STATE STATUTE.

Counties and cities DO NOT have the authority to pass Statutory laws, only ordinances (Administrative Laws).



Blogger Scott Haley said...

One thing people can do whenever this type of 1984-style action pops up---

Ask for the State Statute upon which the local ordinance must be based.

Counties and cities can pass ONLY administrative laws---ordinances or regulations---which MUST be based upon a corresponding STATE STATUTE.

Counties and cities DO NOT have the authority to pass Statutory laws, only ordinances (Administrative Laws).



1:15 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

In regards to videos in NY and government destroying our rights. We need a lot more of it and we need to video and document it all. We need lots of out of control government examples to show the people and put it all in the face of America. Everyone should start blogging and writing and recording all the bull shit going on, whether it's bitching or straight up police harassment lets get it on the blogs and in front of the public so we can start growing the discontent the rest of us have been feeling for so long.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Scott Haley said...

I agree with Kosmic 100%.

The best (nonviolent) way to defeat the Corporatocracy is for people to BOYCOTT. They won't do that unless they are AWARE of what's going on relative to our loss of unalienable rights.

Lots of things can be boycotted--- use your imagination.

EXAMPLE: the major commercial TV networks already are concerned that they have lost about 2.5 million viewers in a year's time. Because they are the major propaganda tool for the Corporatocracy we should make that loss 5 million viewers...or more. [Their viewing content is 90% DRIVEL anyway...who needs it?!]

The "no-term-limits" professional political hacks who infest DC rely primarily on the Corporate Media to get re-elected. BOYCOTT the propaganda tool at every opportunity.

EXAMPLE: the Individual Income Tax...use your imagination. At the VERY LEAST, when you submit a 1040, below your signature write "under protest & duress, with all rights reserved".

EXAMPLE: elections...lobby for a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" box to be on every national ballot.


5:58 AM  

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