Gene Chapman Is Planning To Visit Ed Brown

Gene Chapman called to tell us that he is planning on visiting New Hampshire and Ed Brown, et. al. in the near future. He has received a commitment of support from volunteers to warrent his taking time off from work to make this trip.
For those who may not know Gene, he is a self-proclaimed "Minister of Christ" who drives a 28 wheeler for a living. A student of Mohandas Gandhi, Gene frequently dresses in a white bedsheet/doti during his public demonstrations which are peaceful in nature and patterned after the example set by Gandhi himself. Gene has personally and consistantly protested - through dozens of fasts, marches and public displays - what he considers to be the "U. S. Government's Communist aggression against his religious freedom."
On Gene's website you will read the following quote from Chief Justice Burger:
Justice Burger -- "Religious beliefs can be accommodated...." United States v. Lee 455 U.S. 252 (1982).
Scripturally and theologically, Gene is well versed in the law and arguments rooted in the Word of God that relate to the admonition against the taxation of labor and human capital which he equates with slavery.
Gene is also the author of "The Slave Freedom Amendment" to the United States Constitution:
To: U. S. Congress
Proposed Amendment to the United States Constitution: There shall be no Government slavery (i.e. income tax) and no Government armed robbery (i.e. property tax).
We are looking for someone in New Hampshire to help Gene with lodging. If you can help Gene please contact him at:
Gene Chapman
P.O. Box 295545
Lewisville, TX 75029
Click here for more about Gene Chapman.
NEWS 13 - Appeals officer Agent Wiley Davis attacks citizen for asking to see the law requiring the payment of income tax. ...
Mid 80's video about the crooked tax system and IRS. The IRS has been at it for a long time!
"Self proclaimed minister?" Fred, I'm twice ordained. I served on a board of directors ten years with Dr. Lee Roberson (Chancellor of Tennessee Temple University and former pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee: 11,000 members), Dr. Jack Hyles (Founder of Hyles-Anderson College and former pastor of the world's largest Baptist church: 600,000 members) and Dr. Harold Sightler (Founder of Tabernacle Baptist College). I'm not a startup "self proclaimed" anything.
Gene Chapman
Gene Chapman is a closet communist who believes in federal funding of private roads and the abolition of child labor, both of which are planks of the Communist Manifesto. Gene also wants the democratically elected government to be replaced with himself as dictator a la Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Casto, etc.
Viva la Revolution ~ Che Chapman
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