Update on the Ed Brown vs. IRS Standoff 1/28/07

Plainfield - A couple more long-term supporters of Ed Brown showed up at his home. A young man from upstate New York is staying at the house until further notice, to film and post short videos on Google video. He said that many people visited Ed yesterday. Another drove from Missouri to camp out front for a week in order to show his apprecation for Ed standing up to the Federal Government.

Caleb Johnson visited yesterday:
my update on the situation:
I visited Ed Brown yesterday (Saturday, Jan. 27). I took some camping gear, because I didn't know if it would be advisable to spend the night. I did not spend the night there, because it did not seem necessary.
Mr. Brown was a little hoarse when I arrived, the toll of speaking to numerous reporters, government officials, and well-wishers taking a toll on his voice. But his spirits remain high, and he remains extremely talkative. Still surrounded by a small group of loyal friends, Brown remains optimistic that his legal maneuvering will provide a way out of his predicament. His close associates confided that they were cautiously optimistic that they would be able to overturn the guilty conviction. Overall, spirits were incredibly high.
If anyone would like to support Mr. Brown, it might be well to bring food supplies. Although Mr. Brown has a large storehouse of dried provisions, the dried provisions aren't necessarily the most flavorful delectables. I brought soup with me. Mr. Brown also has a fondness for ice cream and pie.
Read more here.
Afew clips taken by me and someone else at the Browns house.
Does this look like a standoff to you?
WorldWide Spiritual Connection
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