Saturday, February 24, 2007

From The Reader Comments

Joseph S. Haas
Concord, New Hampshire

MrTideman said...

Correction: There were two motions granted in part that the judge reminded the prosecutor to provide exculpatory evidence by the Brady- Agurs- Giglio act; see Motion #92 of 1/3/07 (+ #93) that were both granted 01/08/07 "to the extent the government is simply reminded of its disclosure obligations under applicable, rules*, and precedent." such as Federal Rule* 16 to the defendant(s) +/or the judge, and by State Rule* 3.8(d) to the defendant(s), which copy of the certification of the non-filing of federal documents to our N.H. Secretary of State, as required by RSA Ch. 123:1 was reprented by me to the prosecutor DURING trial for processing but that was NOT done, and so my official complaint of NO JURISDICTION in writing against them (Tom Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney, and member of the N.H. Bar under the doctrine of Respondent Superior to his Assistant, Bill Morse) to be heard this Friday, March 2nd at the Professional Conduct Committee to result in evidence to use in either a Motion for Mis-Trial or at the sentencing hearing for more Rule 32 evidence of a sentence of no time nor fine. - - Yours truly.

From the reader comments here.

Follow the link to MrTideman and see

Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System, Inc.NH


Blogger Bleap said...

Related legal action is here:

http://www.supremel gwbush/vcc. htm

http://www.cbsd. com/inventory. aspx?id=21014

United States v. George W. Bush et al.

by Elizabeth de la Vega (Author)

In United States v. George W. Bush et al., former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega brings her twenty years of experience and her passion for justice to the most important case of her career. The defendants are George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. The crime is tricking the nation into war, or, in legal terms, conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Ms. de la Vega has reviewed the evidence, researched the law, drafted an indictment, and in this lively, accessible book, presented it to a grand jury. If the indictment and grand jury are both hypothetical, the facts are tragically real: Over half of all Americans believe the president misled the country into a war that has left over 2,500 American soldiers and countless Iraqis dead. The cost is $350 billion—and counting.

http://winterpatrio t.blogspot. com/2007/ 02/former- federal-prosecut or-publishes. html

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Criminal No. 05-394 (RBW)

7:53 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

It is a criminal offense to inflict harm upon a former federal agent or witness for seeking to report criminal activities. Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1510, 1512, 1513.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

Discovered by Professional Government Agents

This is a partial list of criminal activities discovered by the author and his group of government agents and deep-cover operatives. Adequate proof of these matters is found in the various print and e-books that author and activist Rodney Stich wrote, including Defrauding America; Unfriendly Skies; Drugging America; Blowback, 9/11, and Cover-ups.

Included among the criminal activities detailed in these books:

Culture of Corruption in
Certain FAA Air Safety Offices

Widespread culture of corruption in certain FAA offices that for years has blocked the implementation of urgently needed safety measures.

* Type of corruption deeply entrenched within the FAA.

* Sample of airline disasters directly related to FAA corruption.

* Unprecedented series of hearings during which FAA air safety inspector-investigator acted similar to an independent prosecutor.

* Portions of the final brief entered into that FAA hearing, warning of the continuation of deadly consequences if a cover-up occurred.

* Lawsuits against the FAA seeking to report the corruption to a federal judges under the provisions of the federal crime reporting statute.

* Lawsuit against the NTSB, seeking an order forcing them to enter into evidence the evidence withheld for political reasons in several major airline disasters, including the PSA crash into San Diego in 1978.

Years of drug smuggling by People
Associated with the Central Intelligence Agency

Years of drug smuggling by people in and associated with the CIA, starting shorting after the formation of the CIA. Also involved with the drug smuggling were people in the National Security Council (as part of the Contra operation), the U.S. military, and portions of other government agencies. These criminal and even subversive matters were accompanied by cover-ups from every government check and balance, including the FBI and other Justice Department divisions, members of Congress, and even federal judges (and Supreme Court justices). These are major crimes under federal criminal statutes, including Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 3, and 4. This information has been obtained from the many government personnel, some were heads of covert CIA airlines, who provided detailed information to former federal agent Rodney Stich. These activities are described in Defrauding America and Drugging America.

CIA Personnel Involved in Savings and Loans,
HUD, and Other Financial Frauds

This information had been provided directly to the author by several CIA assets, and described in great detail in Defrauding America.

CIA Funding of Secret Bank Accounts

The secret funding for six different people, two of them in key political positions today, and a former president and vice-president, was made known to Rodney Stich by the former head of a secret CIA company based in Honolulu, and as found in boxes of CIA documents turned over to the author.

FBI Agents Involved in Murders

As shown by court records and local investigative media reports, FBI agents in the Boston and New York offices were involved with organized crime, for years, in murders and other crimes. This relationship was known to top FBI and Department of Justice officials in Washington.

This relationship is covered in the book, FBI, CIA, the Mob, and Treachery.

White House Politicians Secretly Funding
And Arming Iraq, and Iran, During the 1980s

Described in the book, Defrauding America. Without the secret funding and arming of Iraq during the Reagan Bush administration, it is doubtful that Iraq would have had the military might to invade Kuwait.

Widespread Bankruptcy Court Corruption

This corruption involves federal judges, judge-appointed trustees, attorneys and law firms, and the Justice Department's trustee. Chapter 11 cases that have large equities and are not "bankrupt" are targeted, statutory and constitutional protections openly violated, and people corruptly stripped of their assets. This corruption has been covered up by media people for years, despite the terrible toll on people who exercise the statutory protections of Chapter 11 and then are corruptly stripped of their assets.

Corruption in federal courts at every level

Federal judges have repeatedly block former federal agents from reporting criminal activities in government operations, enabling to occur the tragedies, and deaths, in the areas affected by the corruption that was being blocked from being reported.

The criminal activities were being reported under the federal crime reporting statute. Federal judges must receive the reports from anyone who offers the information to them, as part of their administrative (not judicial) duties. By block the reports, they repeatedly perpetrated criminal acts, which enabled to continue the great tragedies.

In addition to directly blocking the reporting of the criminal activities, federal judges:

* Issued unlawful and unconstitutional orders permanently barring Stich from filing any papers in any federal court.

* Retaliated against Stich when he again tried to report additional criminal activities in other government areas that he had discovered from the many other government agents who provided him with the information. From 1987 to 1995, Stich was constantly under charges of criminal contempt of court for attempting to report corruption, some of which played major roles in the conditions enabling terrorists to hijack four airliners on 9/11. Judges have a liability in these deaths.

* Corruptly misused their judicial positions and the courts, violating wholesale numbers of state and federal laws and constitutional protections, aiding CIA-front law firms in parallel sham lawsuits seeking to halt Stich's reporting of the criminal activities.

To help understand how the hijackings of four airliners on 911 occurred and the relationship to the problems former federal safety agent Rodney Stich discovered and tried to report and correct, consider the following:


Four groups of terrorists were able to hijack four airliners on 9/11 because the known procedures for preventing hijackings were not implemented. Remember, if these were put in place, 3,000 people would not have been brutally killed on that date, and the reason for such peripheral effects such as the U.S. invasion of Iraq would not have occurred. If this is important to you, read on!


Why weren't the preventative measures in place? The same reason why many other preventative measures were not taken that allowed decades of preventable airline disasters to occur: the corruption within the FAA that is a matter of records in the possession of former federal agent Stich, and described in the book, Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries.


What people were involved in covering up for this corruption? The people involved in covering up for the corruption and even criminal activities include, among others, the following:

Members of Congress, who for years were informed by letters of the deadly corruption affecting airline safety (as well as criminal activities elsewhere that affected national security). From 1964 to the present date, letters were sent to members of Congress on all of these matters, offering to provide testimony and evidence. Stich even filed lawsuits against members of Congress on the basis of the cover-ups, in an attempt to make a judicial record of their obstruction of justice activities. The corruption in Congress that was publicized in the latter half of 2006 were just the tip of the iceberg.


Federal judges, through legal filings seeking to report the federal crimes to a federal judge, as specifically provided by the federal crime reporting statute. Federal judges responded by (a) blocking the reports; (b) issuing unlawful and unconstitutional orders permanently barring Stich from filing any papers in any federal court; (c) charging Stich with criminal contempt of court for attempting to report ongoing criminal activities. These judicial acts were obstruction of justice felonies and retaliation felonies.


Media people. Starting while Stich was a federal agent attempting to get publicity to the corruption so as to bring it to a halt, Stich repeatedly notified in writing media people, stressing deaths and the great harm resulting to national security, and offering to provide the testimony of himself and numerous other former government agents. None responded, which made possible many of the nation's worst tragedies. Reasons for the non-response would include (a) those who are secretly receiving money from the CIA and other government offices; (b) not wishing to offend their sources high in government; (c) laziness, among other reasons.


Department of Justice officials. Starting while Stich was still a federal employee seeking to report the criminal activities that he discovered during his official duties, people in the various divisions of the Department of Justice were repeatedly notified of the criminal activities affecting national security. Instead of acting on the corruption, they charged Stich with criminal contempt of court in collaboration with federal judges at Sacramento, California, among other things.


They all made possible the conditions resulting in 3,000 deaths on 9/11, which were only one-day's consequences in only one of the areas involved in the corruption. Oh, one other group: the members of the public who knew of these charges, knew of the cover-ups, knew of the retaliation against the former federal agent, and who were too lazy to help!

Primer on Cause and Ripple Effect:
9/11 As An Example

To help understand how the hijackings of four airliners on 911 occurred and the relationship to the problems former federal safety agent Rodney Stich discovered and tried to report and correct, consider the following:


Four groups of terrorists were able to hijack four airliners on 9/11 because the known procedures for preventing hijackings were not implemented. Remember, if these were put in place, 3,000 people would not have been brutally killed on that date, and the reason for such peripheral effects such as the U.S. invasion of Iraq would not have occurred. If this is important to you, read on!


Why weren't the preventative measures in place? The same reason why many other preventative measures were not taken that allowed decades of preventable airline disasters to occur: the corruption within the FAA that is a matter of records in the possession of former federal agent Stich, and described in the book, Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries.


What people were involved in covering up for this corruption? The people involved in covering up for the corruption and even criminal activities include, among others, the following:

Members of Congress, who for years were informed by letters of the deadly corruption affecting airline safety (as well as criminal activities elsewhere that affected national security). From 1964 to the present date, letters were sent to members of Congress on all of these matters, offering to provide testimony and evidence. Stich even filed lawsuits against members of Congress on the basis of the cover-ups, in an attempt to make a judicial record of their obstruction of justice activities. The corruption in Congress that was publicized in the latter half of 2006 were just the tip of the iceberg.


Federal judges, through legal filings seeking to report the federal crimes to a federal judge, as specifically provided by the federal crime reporting statute. Federal judges responded by (a) blocking the reports; (b) issuing unlawful and unconstitutional orders permanently barring Stich from filing any papers in any federal court; (c) charging Stich with criminal contempt of court for attempting to report ongoing criminal activities. These judicial acts were obstruction of justice felonies and retaliation felonies.


Media people. Starting while Stich was a federal agent attempting to get publicity to the corruption so as to bring it to a halt, Stich repeatedly notified in writing media people, stressing deaths and the great harm resulting to national security, and offering to provide the testimony of himself and numerous other former government agents. None responded, which made possible many of the nation's worst tragedies. Reasons for the non-response would include (a) those who are secretly receiving money from the CIA and other government offices; (b) not wishing to offend their sources high in government; (c) laziness, among other reasons.


Department of Justice officials. Starting while Stich was still a federal employee seeking to report the criminal activities that he discovered during his official duties, people in the various divisions of the Department of Justice were repeatedly notified of the criminal activities affecting national security. Instead of acting on the corruption, they charged Stich with criminal contempt of court in collaboration with federal judges at Sacramento, California, among other things.


They all made possible the conditions resulting in 3,000 deaths on 9/11, which were only one-day's consequences in only one of the areas involved in the corruption. Oh, one other group: the members of the public who knew of these charges, knew of the cover-ups, knew of the retaliation against the former federal agent, and who were too lazy to help!

Related Web Sites

Chronology of decades of corrupt activities by the CIA, U.S. politicians, and other members of the system, as described in the book, Defrauding America.

o Chronology of the arrogant and corrupt war on drugs--against the American people--as described in the book, Drugging America.

o Chronology of arrogant and corrupt activities in the deadly politics of aviation safety, as described in the book, Unfriendly Skies.

o Information site describing the books written by and with the input of many insiders.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

Reversing Frivolous Label to
Obstruct Justice and Strip Legal-Constitutional Defenses

The primary tactic used by federal judges to block Stich's access to federal courts and the multiple federal remedies for the record number of federal causes of action was to place a frivolous label on the lawsuits and then promptly dismiss them.

Common sense, and the criteria stated in Supreme Court decisions, made is obvious that the serious nature of the allegations in the lawsuits, each of which invoked federal causes of actions, were not frivolous.

Any single one of the dozens of state and federal laws and constitutional protections invoked mandatory federal court jurisdiction under, for instance, the Civil Rights Act and the Declaratory Judgment Act. So determined were the federal judges to void all federal remedies needed to defend against the sham lawsuit filed by the CIA-front law firm that exercise of federal defenses, intended for any one of the dozens of laws violated, became a frivolous act.

Throughout the 20 years of attempts to defend, Stich encountered a constant pattern of judicial lies and violations of this nature--typical of what is normal in the legal fraternity.

Violated federal case law requiring that the statements in the complaint be accepted as true, and that only if those statements did not state a federal cause of action could the lawsuit be dismissed.

Each lawsuit clearly stated facts and federal causes of action invoking mandatory court jurisdiction and relief.. In addition, taking judicial notice of the wrongful acts proved that the statements were true. The facts showed violations of record numbers of state and federal statutes and constitutional protections; orders rendered without jurisdiction; violations of the Civil Rights Act, Bivens, causes of actions arising under the Civil Rights Act and the Declaratory Judgment Act, ....

Under law, a complaint "is not frivolous if any of the legal points [are] arguable on their merits ..." Anders v. California (1967) 386 U.S. 738.

Supreme Court decisions require that all allegations stated in the complaint must be accepted as true at that stage of the proceeding. Therefore, if any federal cause of action was stated, that barred dismissal. Among the federal causes of action stated in the complaint were:

California judges repeatedly acting without jurisdiction while issuing orders inflicting great personal and financial harm upon Stich.

California judges repeatedly violating large numbers of state and federal laws and constitutional safeguards in the sham California action. The violation of any one of these dozens of state laws would justify filing for relief.

As the litigation continued, federal judges expanded upon the violations of civil and constitutional rights, invoking additional federal causes of actions under the Bivens doctrine which provides identical relief against civil rights violations occurring under color of federal law to the Civil Rights Act which provides defenses against violations of civil rights under color of state law.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

Under law, a complaint "is not frivolous if any of the legal points [are] arguable on their merits ..." Anders v. California (1967) 386 U.S. 738.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Bleap said...

Bivens Doctrine for Civil Rights Violations
Committed Under Color of Federal Law

In Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971) the Supreme Court addressed the availability of a cause of action directly under the Constitution in Bell v. Hood, 327 U.S. 678 (1946), in which damages were sought against Federal Bureau of Investigation agents for violation of fourth and fifth amendment rights. The Supreme Court held that "where the complaint, as here, is so drawn as to seek recovery directly under the Constitution or laws of the United States, the federal court must entertain the suit. Id. at 681-82.

"Where federally protected rights have been invaded, it has been the rule from the beginning that courts will be alert to adjust their remedies so as to grant the necessary relief." Id. at 684."

10:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Who murdered JFK & JFK Jr.?

Go to and fine the answer.

11:42 AM  
Blogger TrueLogic said...

KOSMIC said...

Alot of really Important shit Here, so read up People.

9:54 PM  

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