Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Power To Tax Is The Power To Destroy

Why The Income Tax System, and the Tax Protest Movements, Must Be Scrapped

Tax protestors aren't the only Americans who hate the IRS and the federal income tax. Many tax-paying Americans also hate the income tax system. The IRS has earned the contempt of millions of taxpayers.

Read more here.

Hat tip Kosmic in reader comments here.


Blogger TrueLogic said...

FredMarshall1937 said...

It seems to me Conces has a 5th Amendment right not to dislcose to the IRS the list of names of people he has helped. To do so would be an admission in and of itself that he has helped to prepare tax returns or given tax advice.


I don't think anyone could argue that Fred.

The Following is in Response to an Awsome Post from Kosmic.

The War is already IN our Back Yard My Patriotic Fellow... And Our Front Yard... And on Every Block in this Nation from Coast to Coast.

WE THE PEOPLE, Know the Brutal Truth of the TREASON being purpetrated against us! And of the War being Waged Against us!

Bush has already said that WE THE PEOPLE, are the ENEMY COMBATANTS in this War. Bush Himself has called our Constitution, Our very Rights...
"Nothing but a God-Damned Piece of Paper"!

If that doesn't Make us Angry! Then We are NOT PATRIOTS!

If those Words... Flying from the Filthy Mouth, of President George W Bush, do not flash immages of Him being Sentenced for Crimes against this Country through Our Vivid Minds... Then We are NOT PATRIOTS!

If We all turn a Blind Eye to the Crimes Committed by George Bush Against the Constitution and the Poeple of the United States... Then We ARE NOT PATRIOTS!

Bush's Defense Against the Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE:

Under the Military Commissions Act, Bush has Stated, that;

any of WE THE PEOPLE who try to Bring TREASON charges against Him, or any Member of Congress, Shall be Declared Enemy Combatants!

This Proves beyond ANY DOUBT... That the President of the Unites States of America, and all of Congress... ARE TREASONOUS! and ARE CORRUPT... and ARE NOT... FOR UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION, OR THE RIGHTS OF ANY MAN WOMAN OR CHILD OF THIS NATION!

Yes... I submit that the WAR has indeed, already Spread to Our Back Yards. and I Myself would Classify NYC... as the FRONT YARD of the USA!

1:55 AM  
Blogger - said...

The article "Why The Income Tax System, and the Tax Protest Movements, Must Be Scrapped" makes some very good points.

However Peter Kershaw's premise that "Tax Protest" or "Patriot" "movements" must be scrapped is completely unsubstantiated and ridiculous.

For example the author, who is a self-described expert on "tax protesters" and people in the "patriot movement" says:

"The problem with 16th Amendment ratification, and the plethora of other tax protest arguments, is that people keep taking them into court and winding up in jail. No one has ever won "the 16th Amendment was never legally ratified" argument in any court (and certainly no one has ever won a tax protest argument of any kind with the IRS), so why do tax protestors keep bringing it up?

I'm not unwilling to listen to what the patriots have to say. Indeed, I've found many of their issues to be fascinating. However, I'm not willing to accept every unsubstantiated theory (urban legend) that gets thrown my way, especially when those making their claims refuse to produce any hard evidence to support their theories."

It is proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 16th Amendment was never ratified. Mr. Kershaw clearly has never spoken to Bill Benson who has been told by government officials that he is the world's foremost expert on the 16th Amendment. Mr. Kershaw clearly has not read the book "The Law That Never Was." If he did, he would see that the proof is irrefutable. If Peter Kershaw is such an expert on those people, why isn't he aware of these things?

Mr. Kershaw states, "The problem with 16th Amendment ratification, and the plethora of other tax protest arguments, is that people keep taking them into court and winding up in jail." This of course does not prove "patriot movement" arguments are unsubstantiated. This asserts that the courts consistently rule against those arguments.

Mr. Kershaw follows by saying, that he is "not willing to accept every unsubstantiated theory (urban legend) that gets thrown [his] way, especially when those making their claims refuse to produce any hard evidence to support their theories." The irony is that his assertion that there exists even one "urban legend" or unsubstantiated theory is completely unsupported and unsubstantiated. The only example he gives any reference to is the 16th Amendment.If he read the book, and/or studied the history of the 16th Amendment instead of dismissing it by saying that it's problematic to use this argument or insinuating that it is an "urban legend" then he would actually not have anything about which to speak.

It is also apparent that he doesn't really understand where the term "tax protester" came from. The phrase came from a federal judge during a case where a man argued the unconstitutionality of the income tax. He's just parroting what a federal judge has said instead of really understanding what is meant by the term. If he is against the "tax protester" "movement" then he is against people who believe that the income tax is unconstitutional. Later, he labels these people as having "idealistic wishful-thinking ignorance" because not paying the income tax is "their form of "throwing the tea into the harbor."

I find this infuriating and laughable at the same time. Essentially he is saying that it is ridiculous that people would want to try to keep the fruits of their labor for themselves! Sounds like a communistic or socialistic view to me.

He also has some more bizarre takes on reality. He believes that "announcing their intentions to the IRS" is not something that people should do after being confronted by the IRS. Instead he asserts that those people should be acting "covertly and unobserved." That those people should be hiding instead of bringing this issue to the light of day. He thinks that those people should "do all [they] can to avoid court."

Obviously this way of thinking is absurd and contrary to those who want to live in a peaceful and just society. He fails to understand that the reason those people decide to go to court is because they are giving the system a chance to work in a legal and lawful manner. Surely, he is not insinuating that we should have anarchy, is he?

I could go on at length about many other things in this article, but my time is too precious to me and the author is too ignorant to waste my time on the entirety of his ignorance. I will address briefly a couple more items:

Mr. Kershaw thinks that people should be exercising their right to redress of grievances [which many people in the "patriot" and "tax protester" "movements" have already done -- and then have been literally ignored by the government]. He clearly does not understand that this involves going to court, which he thinks should be avoided at all costs. Not to mention that he thinks that we shouldn't even bring "tax protesting" to the light of day.

He also fails to distinguish between protesting and keeping what is yours.

There seems to be a misunderstanding of reality in this article. It takes stances that are socialist and anarchist. It fails to address the idea that to maintain liberty one must do all he/she can to allow the truth to come to light up to the point where his/her rights are infringed.

Despite many truthful statements, this article is misguided and Peter Kershaw is ignorant.

6:04 PM  

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