News and Blues Covers Ed Brown Story

Ed and Elaine Brown walked out of a federal trial on January 12th declaring the court to be a sham and fraud. Ed is now at his home in Plainfield, New Hampshire with a large number of supporters standing up for what he believes is truth and honesty. To government agents, Ed is just another unwilling slave and needs to be "removed." He doesn't see it that way.
Read more here.
Who is Ed Brown?
Ed Brown lives in my town, he's a coward, is he scared to die...yeah I think so, everyone is, his cause is not that's a ridiculous personal indulgence. Ed's wife has been working hard all these years, and she had the guts to face the music in court, not Mr. Coward, he decided to run and hide! Where is your courage?
Ed Brown is a hypocrite...he refuses to pay federal income tax so that he can build a huge addition on his home, Ed I watched all those construction trucks going by for more than eight months....imagine what a lavish lifestyle some of us could have if we engaged in criminal acitivity like you! Ed, you use the US Post Office, you drive on roads that are maintained by federal tax dollars, if you were true to your beliefs, you would not do either.
Ed Brown really just wants to leave his house and drive freely again, and that is why he is coming up with his unique and "laughable proposal.
Ed Brown is a laughing stock in our town of Plainfield , and we want him to leave. Better yet, Why don't you unload all your "supporters" they are just freeloaders after all....
Ed Brown...come to your senses and turn yourself in, you are going to jail either way, might as well go in one piece....
You are the coward Mr. Anonymous. You are afraid to stand for truth. You follow the crowds, hide in your illutions of freedom and liberty while leaving the hard work to people like Ed. Maybe you should be paying 75% of your labor to tax. You deserve it Mr A.
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My comment is actually directed towards the first anonymous poster. America was not founded by servants, but by those standing up against tyrants. So what if Ed wants to spend the money that he earned on his own property rather then to support tyrants through a Federal Income tax? Our income tax system is full of abuse, fraud, and theft, and penalizes those that contribute to our society at the treat of jail time and a gun. Shell we all blindly follow people like you, like sheep going off to be shaved and then slaughtered? I pity people like you that do not want to take responsibility, but would rather be a servant to a master. You are no American and only a product of being educated by the state which you clearly call your master.
I support Mr. Brown for taking a stand and saying enough is enough. No more corruption, as free Americans, we have had enough enslavement.
I was wondering who appointed him the spokesperson of Plainfield. I didnt see anything in the Plainfield news about his election to this post. I find it quite amusing that someone is called a coward for not going to appear in a court that denys its citizens due process. Eventually our forefathers stopped going to court after many attempts to get redress for their grievances. Kinda hard to be in court and fight a war at the same time. I guess they were cowards too. Since you are the spokesperson for Plainfield perhaps your time would be better spent organizing a petition of your like minded friends and supporters rather than posting your derogatory comments here in this forum. By the way, your income tax dollars do not pay for any of the services provided by government. Read the Grace Commission Report and its findings before you espouse nonsensense to the rest of the world. I dont agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Mr Anonymous (scared?)
Ed just asked to see the law.
If I told you the law was that you pay your taxes to me would you pay or ask to see the law? Go back into your shanty and hide your Anonymous self while the rest of us fight and die for your right to post such crap!
we can spend 500 billion on a war and nobody cares where the money went,but if you owe a few thousand the gov. will take what you far as freedom you can"t even drive down the road without getting stopped nowadays.and as far as that marshall says there not going there thats a joke.the gov.will do anything to get its money. and why are all these millionaires in gov. don"T they have enough money,let some real americans run this country.middle class. there all thieves with a smile. all the way to the bank
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