Message From Ed Brown

Something very important is going on here.
Sure it starts with my tax case but let's look at the big picture here.
I am providing a place for us to make a difference, for the people, for this country!
I even offered to pay the taxes just so they would leave me alone, but no,...
They took my guns (before ever being convicted of anything).
They took my wife and court ordered her away from me.
They now want much more money then they say I owe.
They want my house.
And will again offensively attack me and take my life as well as those around me here now unless we have enough people to make a difference!
We may never have another chance!
I need people here Now!
Now is the time!
Read more here.
"Desert Owl 386-684-6462"
I may be able to drive up in a few days but who or what is "Desert Owl"?
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