America Is LEGALLY A British Plantation State Occupied by Tax Slaves?

"The Western world has been controlled by the Crowned Heads of Europe & their Hofjuden" - Pierre Salinger
Message from Bill Miller:
Please visit Press "Ctrl" and "F" keys at the same time and then enter "GREG HALLETT" into the search field. You will find this interview on the right side of the page pretty far down.
On January 6, 2007 Lenny Bloom interviewed Greg Hallett and Stephan Grossman who, together, outline in compelling/conclusive detail the following:
Greg Hallet said: "2007 is another year of frauds perpetrated upon the public. We're here to scrape the bullshit off the truth so I still want to talk about the formation of America and America's tax structure and how the American people are paying their tax to the United Kingdom and the British monarchy."
Lenny: "Good stuff! Hey this is a great topic!"
Stephan Grossman asked: "Yep, that's the mark of a nation's sovereignty. It...two things in particular: the right to do the criminal prosecution which is essentially in private hands of the plutocrats in America; and the right of taxation....that was always one of the privileges of the government. And so you're saying - and you have specific information apparently - that America is not exercising that right, but the colonial mother country, the United Kingdom, is exercising that. That's exciting. That has not been discussed before as far as I know."
Greg continues: "America is not a sovereign nation. America is a bankrupt nation. And it is owned by the United Kingdom."
Stephan Grossman: "Is it a nation or a colony?"
Greg Hallet: "It is a plantation."
Lenny Bloom: "Hey that's a good one!"
Stephan Grossman: "Oh, that's a sub-colony I guess."
Greg Hallet: "America is a sub-colony of Britain and it is also a plantation of the Pope and a colony of Israel. Israel is about the only country that's now colonizing....that is still colonizing. So America was bankrupted for the first time on the 1st of January of 1788 as the United States. This came about through the various wars in America for independence from Great Britain and slavery which was a construct as slavery was about to made redundant by the "combine harvestor". The combine harvestor was first patented 17 years before the Civil War in 1834 by Hyran (sp?) Moore, the same year Cyrus McCormack patented the mechanical reaper. This made slaves too expensive to feed and by the time of the Civil War, 1861, many of the slaves in the south and all of the slaves in the north were already free. The British purpose of these wars - the Civil War and the War of Independence - was not to win them, but to continue them so that the United States would be bound to Great Britain by debt. This debt has more rule than a colony, is more hidden than a colony and last longer than a colony. This dit to Britain still rules America to this day."
Again, to listen to the full recording of this interview, please visit Press "Ctrl" and "F" keys at the same time and then enter "GREG HALLETT" into the search field. You will find this interview on the right side of the page pretty far down.
I'm loving this -- the tax protestor movement is looking kookier than ever. When are you going to start talking about the aerial spraying with the contrails? U.S. government cover-up of the space aliens at Roswell? That 9/11 was actually an inside job? That the Oklahoma City Murrah Building was actually an inside job? That the Dodge K-Car was actually an inside job?
"Guns don't kill people, the government does." ~ Dale Gribble
Why the wild conspiricy BS. Get back to Ed Brown, Taxes and AFTF.
Hey, Bill Miller requested that this be posted.
Bill Miller is a certified conspiracy nut who believes in everything from Bigfoot to a secret CIA and space alien station on the backside of the moon. Of course, this fits in nicely with Ed Brown's "the Illuminati is behind all of this" statements.
IRS Chief Mark Everson couldn't do a better job scripting their press statements to make all tax protestors look like a bunch of conspiracy nuts.
You are doing a disservice posing this garbage.
Just for the record, Bill Miller believes in the official 9/11 story. Now does that make you feel better. Sleep well my friend.
The past five comments have been brought to you by supporters of the Bush crime syndicate. But I'm sure you already knew that. Onward. If Greg Hallett is right, we can finally understand why we have been so bewildered about the insane behavior of almost everyone in all three branches of what we thought was OUR government, and we can now begin to design a new government actually of the People, by the People and for the People. If Hallett is wrong, who has a better explanation for the reason why the U.S. government is behaving exactly as though they ARE taking orders from the British Monarchy, Israel & the Pope and not from us? How does this pertain to Ed Brown, one of the hecklers wonders? If you listened to Hallett's whole presentation, my dear, he discloses that we The People are NOT a party to the Constitution. I say, Cool! It's been a waste of time to try to get the government perps to adhere to their Constitution anyway. Another advantage is, since The People haven't authorized taking the country into multiple immoral wars which have created the war-debt to the UK, we The People don't owe it! The Bush family and their cohorts, who ARE a party to the Constitution, have amassed enough money already, stolen from us, to pay that debt which they owe. Ed Brown now just needs to utilize his individual political sovereignty, granted to him at birth by our Creator, to inform our foreign-controlled government's courts that they can't claim political jurisdiction over him. End of case, because no case can even commence.
If I recall correctly it is China and Japan who own most of America's debt, not the British.
Like the other guys have said, stop going into all this Conspiracy stuff and stick to the point, who cares what Bill Miller wants? Is this about Bill Miller's theories and beliefs or about the overtaxation of the American people.
I am begging you, for the credibility of this blog and Ed Brown remove all the Conspiracy Theory nonsense.
Bill Miller has been clearly debunked already and is doing nothing but trashing the credibility of this blog.
Do your own research on Miller, there's plenty of info all over the place on him.
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