Huffington Post Covers Ed Brown

Militant Tax Evader Prepares For Gov't Siege At "Fortress-Like" NH Home...
A former militia man convicted of tax evasion prepared for a government siege Friday at his fortress-like home, but U.S. marshals gave no indication they were planning to confront him.
Lots of reader comments.
Read more here.
Typical media spin to shape peoples opinions. There is no longer a free press in this country.
Here's something worthy of a read and why WE ALL need to take a stand against the fascism that has infested America.
Excerpt from:
Have you ever wondered why our nation is insanely bankrupt when supposedly genius economists have been in charge of our economy for a century or two? Whole teams of Ivy League aristocrats and their political buddies who are responsible for economic policies, and who have managed to collapse the most successful nations in the world? Well, the answer is quite clear – all governance is changing into their hands and their desired system of economic siphoning. American people must understand that this is not an American phenomenon but a global initiative. And these global initiatives are very specific:
No private ownership of property
No private ownership of water including wells
No mass mobility rights
No private ownership of guns
No religion minus environmental sustainability or Gaia
No privacy rights
Mandatory military and/or volunteer service
No personal opinion
No rights, whatsoever, to disagree with government or to dissent
No rights to designated wilderness areas, Biosphere Reserves, historical designations, conservation easements, or buffer zones.
No rights to proven safe food and water or genetically unmodified food or seed
No rights to protection from rampant taxation
No voting rights, which are 1) completely corrupted and 2) being usurped by NGO take-overs
No right, whatsoever, to knowledge in public education
No right, whatsoever, to the development of personal opinion, philosophy, or individualism due to public education
No right, whatsoever, to economic responsibility, due to the Federal Reserve System
These are not futuristic nightmares to come. We are living this governmentally imposed system as we speak. And there is only one way to fight this system, and that is to refuse to participate – 100%. So the decision for American people, and all the world’s people, is to fight for freedom in the only possible way that we can, or to agree to be a slave to the world’s wealthiest few. If you think like a slave, you are a slave, and global elites get wealthier and more powerful with each payment you make to them and their corporations. Those are the global facts.
Fascism is simply the marriage of corporation to government. That is its definition in full, and Fascism demands that the masses have no power to challenge or conquer its system. We know very well, for instance, that the FTAA will pass. We know, full well, that national borders are being dissolved for corporate work forces and profits. We know, full well, that public education is preparing American children for one-world corporate wages.
Read the full article:
Dear Ed,
Thank you for spending another week in your self-imposed home detention. You sure are making our job easy!
BTW, thanks for all your media interviews where you make the entire tax protestor movement look like a bunch of Dale Gribble conspiracy nuts. No way that we could do that anywhere nearly as well as you have been doing.
Please keep it up!
~ U.S. Marshall Service
It's against the law to pose as an officer of the law. I don't think you have much to worry about though seeing as how you can't spell Marshal right. Duh.
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