Friday, January 19, 2007

Tax Protester Holed Up and Ready for War

“Live Free or Die” is the rallying cry that has gained the support of several friends as they prepare to do battle with the tax man from a fortified concrete-walled home in Massachusetts.

Read more here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live free or die is not a Taxachussettes flat lander statement. The author of this article is misinformed.

Im a first born NH son, and am offended by the mention of massachussettes in this article!!!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here is my sincere and polite e mail request to Sheriff Prozzo to uphold his oath of office:

Dear Sheriff Prozzo,

I am a concerned American citizen e mailing you regarding
the current Ed Brown standoff. Please hear me out...

I live in Arizona and have been rea.ding and following this
story and it's developments very closely. Please understand
that regardless of what your opinion may be as to whether
or not a citizen is required to pay taxes or not you MUST
uphold your oath of office to defend the Constitution against
ALL enemies foreign and domestic.

In this case you have the constitutional legal authority to keep
federal agencies who have absolutley no juristiction or authority
in your county from entering and depriving a citizen of his rights.

Be they property or God given rights you have a duty to protect
the citizens of your county from ILLEGAL and Unconstitutional
acts perpetrated against them. In this case Mr. Brown has broken
NO law because there exists NO statute or existing law on the
books that requires any citizen of any state to pay federal income
taxes on their labor. Sheriff Prozzo, Not one governmental official,
nor IRS agent or expert can show anyone the law that requires a
citizen to pay income taxes on their labor.

Even the Supreme Court has ruled that the 16th Amendment has
given the Government NO new taxing powers. Therefore, in good
concience how can you allow a citizen of your county to be subjected
to a "percieved crime" when in fact legally he has broken NO law?

Watch this video:

If there is no such law, how can you be subjected criminal prosecution?

Humor yourself if in doubt and ask this widely avoided question to any
governmental official in power regarding this. Ask them to show you the
law the requires you as a citizen to comply with the federal income tax.

The answer you will receive will be the same answer that hundreds have
gotten. They will either refuse to answer the question or they will be unable
to direct you to any such law. That's because it doesn't exist. Period.

Where is the law? Where is the law? Federal statute? IRS Code?

Ask them Sheriff Prozzo. You will quickly learn there is no such law.

The IRS is the strong arm of The Federal Reserve which is a PRIVATE Corp.
A PRIVATE Bank not regulated by any oversight committee in Congress.

This is a 100% certifiable fact. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor
governmental but a PRIVATE corporate entity who prints our m.oney. and that
is why our m.oney is called a "Federal Reserve Note."

Sheriff Prozzo, how can you allow a PRIVATE banking institution who mascarades
as a governmental institution to terrorize a citizen of your county and threaten them
with property confiscation and even criminal prosecution not having any legal basis
codified into law? Ask yourself that question before you allow any Federal agency
into your county. I humbly appeal to your common sense in all manner of respect.

Sheriff Prozzo, honor your oath.

Watch this video:


Peoria, Arizona
Anthony Tomei

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've been following this issue, and Mr. Browns case specifically, for several years. I am an interested party.

In the letter to Sheriff Prozzo, at the bottom of the first paragraph, it states "...he did learn in the process that the feds don't have jurisdiction within the external boundaries of the 50 states. The Supreme Court has so ruled in quite a number of cases."

I would like the referenced case cites so I could read them myself. I always feel better when I've seen it in black and white myself.

Would someone be kind enough provide those case cites?

Thank you,


2:27 PM  

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