Monday, January 22, 2007

Gerry Spence says the following about judges in his book, O.J. The Last Word beginning on page 170

If this is how an accomplished attorney like Gerry Spence views the conduct of our courts, how do you suppose a pro se litigant like Ed Brown will fare before an abusive judge?

"Night after night on the talk shows, I heard criticism being leveled at Judge Ito. But I took a different position, born of years spent enduring the relentless abuse of tyrant judges, from having seen my clients' rights placed in severe jeopardy at the hands of blockheads in robes whose only claim to judicial excellence was their ability to scream and shout and intimidate everyone who came before them. Ask trial lawyers who have been around the block even once, and they will tell you that many judges are mammal eating monsters that feed on lawyers and their cases, trample over justice, and spew their venom randomly over the courtroom because they do not possess the intelligence or judicial temperament to preside over a fair trial."

Read more here.


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