Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Continuous Nationwide Conference Call To Support The Browns

A growing number of individuals have expressed their interest in physically getting to New Hampshire. We're getting calls from folks who are planning on coming from all directions. There are a number of people who are planning to bring their digital and video cameras. We have some bands who have expressed an interest in playing outdoors in the cold weather. We have one elderly lady with a HUGE van/bus who is on her way all the way from North Carolina.

If you would like to come on this call - we will be changing the calling codes periodically - please call 888-606-9379. The call is going on right now and will continue 24 X 7 until justice is delivered to the Browns.

We need EVERYONE to fax, fax letters of support and concern to the local sherriff who is our best friend. The Sherriff of Sullivan County in New Hampshire has more power than any single individual in that county. We need the local Sherriff on our side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who is driving through New York to visit the Brown's and has room for another please contact me asap at worldwidespiritualconnection@yahoo.com.

9:49 PM  

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